Psychological thriller is a specific sub-genre of the wide-ranging thriller genre. However, this genre often incorporates elements from the mystery and drama genre in addition to the typical traits of the thriller genre. Also, occasionally this genre will border into the also wide-ranging Horror genre. Generally, thrillers focus on plot over character, and thus emphasize intense, physical action over the character's psyche.
Psychological thrillers tend to reverse this formula to a certain degree, emphasizing the characters just as much, if not more so, than the plot.
The suspense created by psychological thrillers often comes from two or more characters preying upon one another's minds, either by playing deceptive games with the other or by merely trying to demolish the others mental state.
Our definition of a psychological thriller is where the suspense is produced by the thoughts and realization of someones mind. Usually psychological thrillers consist of one or more people playing with the mind of someone else, making them analyze every move they make which makes them become very paranoid.
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